Our Stars
Company leaders are the stars and we are their greatest advocates. We believe that the key to any group-oriented achievement is sound leadership. The success of our companies hinges on the effectiveness of their leaders. Here are just a few of their stories…

Great Teams:
The Rolling Stones
At SSM, we believe that the success of our companies hinges on the effectiveness of their teams. These teams and their leaders, not us, are the stars — and we aim to be their greatest advocates. To that end, we have highlighted here some of the great teams to which we and our companies aspire to emulate.
— Bill Daniel, All Web Leads
“All Web Leads has been a great success, and one of the highlights of building the company has been my relationship with SSM. They helped us with major decisions and worked for us – never against us."

Bently Goodwin
Bently Goodwin started RemitDATA on his laptop computer with the simple belief that physician practice administrators needed data to make better decisions. His sharp intellect and firm grasp of 835 file data configurations have enabled him to build a market leading technology solutions provider. Most importantly, Bently has infused the company with his core values of honesty and humility, characteristics which he quietly displays to the benefit of those around him.

Jim Lackey
Complete Holdings Group
Our relationship with Jim started at Passport Health Communications, Jim’s highly successful eligibility verification solutions business. Jim guided Passport through many years of rapid growth, profitability and ultimately to a successful sale. Today, at Complete Holdings, Jim has reassembled several former members of the Passport team. In fact, Jim’s greatest strength is finding talent, giving them direction and getting out of their way. We feel honored to be his partner.
— Jim Lackey, Complete Holdings Group
“The SSM team works hard to help us succeed. It's a part of their DNA. They understand that entrepreneurial spirit and leadership aren't just about numbers but also about passion and vision."

Scott McQuigg
Scott’s calm and affable demeanor sets the tone for a culture that encourages creative thinking. HealthTeacher, the product of Scott’s energy and imagination, draws talented people into its fold who revel in the opportunity to apply their talents toward the noble goal of improving the well-being of children.

Rand Nickerson
Rand Nickerson, along with President Mark Treschl, founded OpinionLab to be the enterprise’s source for customer feedback. His thoughtful leadership has positioned this innovative company as the leader in unsolicited feedback and a strategic resource for customers. Rand and Mark also developed the Company’s familiar [+] brand, which is viewed over 1 billion times per month.
— Scott McQuigg, GoNoodle
“What I appreciate about SSM is that they pitch in and help and their wheels keep turning. In them I have a partner that provides perspective and challenges me to shoot for the stars. It's a great relationship."

Dave Ellett
Dave Ellett has led innovative, high-growth teams inside both large and small companies. His experiences raising capital, recruiting managers and laying the foundation for rapid expansion have positioned RemitDATA at the forefront of the comparative analytics market. After becoming CEO, he quickly aligned the team toward a few key objectives and has pursued those objectives relentlessly.

Bill Daniel
All Web Leads
Bill joined the All Web Leads team with an established reputation for being a talented, high-energy technology executive. Bill and the AWL team operate in the dynamic lead generation market which requires them to be nimble and responsive in a rapidly changing environment. Bill’s intellect and mature guidance are great assets for AWL.
— Bently Goodwin, RemitDATA
“I founded RemitDATA with the vision that someday we would become the Nielsen ratings for healthcare payment data. With SSM's help, that's happening today. We're growing rapidly, have a great management team, and our products lead the industry."

Jim Tallman
Under Jim’s guidance, Datacert has become the dominate participant in the market for legal technology. The hallmarks of Jim’s leadership are an intense focus on productivity and costs, a technical prowess rooted in Jim’s engineering background, and a long-term vision that is aggressive yet plausible with him at the helm.

John Baackes
Senior Whole Health
In Senior Whole Health, John Baackes built an organization that is, first and foremost, passionate about its mission: delivering coordinated and compassionate care to the elderly poor. The by-product of this passion is a company ranked #1 on the Inc. 500 and undoubtedly at the forefront of a new care delivery model for healthcare. John and his team are pioneers, and we are glad to be a part of their story.